The Science and Art of Thinking Well in Science, Business, the Arts, and Love

Julian L. Simon (see also vita, bio, and writings)
College of Business and Management, University of Maryland, College Park
*Part One
Introduction To Evaluative Thinking
*Chapter 1-1
Evaluating Simple Alternatives
*Chapter 1-2
Weighing Present Versus Future Benefits (and Costs)
*Chapter 1-3
How to Think About Cost
*Chapter 1-4
Allowing for Uncertainty
*Chapter 1-5
Dealing With Risks
*Chapter 1-6
Reconciling Multiple Goals
*Part Two
Wants, Abilities, and Goals
*Chapter 2-1
Tastes, Preferences, Wants, and Values
*Chapter 2-2
Assessing Your Resources
*Chapter 2-3
Choosing Goals and Criteria of Success
*Part Three
Getting Useful Ideas and Knowledge
*Chapter 3-1
Getting and Eliminating Ideas
*Chapter 3-2
Experts, Expert Systems, and Libraries
*Chapter 3-3
Using Scientific Discipline to Obtain Information
*Chapter 3-4
Assessing Consequences and Likelihoods
*Part Four
Working with Information and Knowledge
*Chapter 4-1
Classifying Things Sensibly
*Chapter 4-2
Reasoning Deductively
*Chapter 4-3
Interpreting Information
*Chapter 4-4
Prediction and Other Extension of Information
*Chapter 4-5
Pitfalls That Entrap Thinking
*Chapter 4-6
My Favorite Worst Sources of Errors
*Chapter 4-7
Good Judgment
*Chapter 4-8
Self-Discipline and Habits of Thought
*Part Five
*Chapter 5-1
The Nature and Proximate Causes of Our Feelings
*Chapter 5-2
The Nature of Sadness and Depression
*Chapter 5-3
Overcoming Depression
*Chapter 5-4
Step-By-Step Fight Against Sadness and Depression
*Chapter 5-5
*Chapter 5-6
Joy [not written yet]
*Part Six
Dealing With Individuals and Groups
*Chapter 6-1
Dealing With People, and Managing Them
*Chapter 6-2
Figuring out People's Behavior [not written yet]
*Chapter 6-3
Strategic Planning [not included]
*Chapter 6-4
Control and Freedom in Society - I
*Chapter 6-5
Control and Freedom in Society - II: Society and Economy as Spontaneously Evolved Systems
*Chapter 6-6
To Whom Will You Be Loyal?
*Chapter 6-7
Raising Children
*Part Seven
Right, Wrong, and Law [not written yet]
*Chapter 7-1
The Nature of Rules and Law [not written yet]
*Chapter 7-2
Ethics [not written yet]
*Chapter 7-3
Lying and Telling the Truth [not written yet]
*Chapter 7-4
Discrimination [not written yet]
*Part Eight
Examples: Some Special Skills of Thought [not written yet]
*Chapter 8-x-1
Forecasting the Long Run: The Future is a Fight about Kosher Ducks
*Chapter 8-9
Winning in Poker and Business
*Chapter 8-11

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